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Stand-up cartooning

Summarize the essence in a clever drawing. That way your post really gains strength. Or get more out of your meeting and have your report illustrated immediately. Stand-up cartooning is not just a different approach, but often the Egg of Columbus.

Smartly drawn

Stand-up cartooning brings out the essence: what are we actually talking about? You get the most out of it with a sharp briefing in advance. You can have abstract subjects translated into a funny image: that inspires participants to make new contributions. In exciting sessions, everyone is part of the creative process:What is our present course? What kind of boat do I imagine as our organization? Everyone wants to influence the boat and course.Such metaphors help to make it concrete – and keep the atmosphere airy. No chance that the training or brainstorm will collapse: every participant is on the edge of his seat.

Ma​ke it specific

Cartooning will spice things up – and clarify the question. By making the topic of conversation visual, suddenly everyone can imagine it. It is ideally suited for abstract or difficult subjects. You never want to have a normal meeting again:

​Hire me. For meddle illustration or visual recording. For visuals that stick and can be used again for backlogs or presentations. Surprising ‘mind catchers’. And yes, my English is pretty darn good.

Now also available online

Meetings and brainstorming are more often done online. Add me to the guest list as your online cartoonist. Through Zoom, Google Meet of Microsoft Teams I listen to what is happening, see the presentation and I will show and share the illustrations directly through DropBox.


So, to be clear, for a meeting of two hours there is the Get-Ready-Rate and two times my hourly rate = € 330,-

And who owns the drawings afterwards?

All the drawings I have made for you are yours afterwards. If you want them changed or worked out differently, I can always do that afterwards for my studio rate of € 80,- per hour.

​Example ​cartoons

Photo of wall with all the live drawingssnelle cartoon over toevalligheden  - fast cartoon on coincidencesFast cartoon: subject Vitality with sticky notes from attendeesFast cartoon: bummer



Marijke’s drawings are very valuable to our Tolbrug organization. They provide a pleasant atmosphere for policy consultations. She captures a moment in a drawing and the association of the feeling of that moment is retained in the drawing.

We have incorporated the drawings into posters that are central to our organization, and we also use the illustrations in presentations and policy documents. This keeps the harvest of policy papers valuable and preserved. We also often see people looking at the posters, which is a great opportunity to start a conversation.

Tom Fransen, Director Operation Tolbrug – Specialistic Recovery

​​​​​Marijke’s cartoons received a very positive response. They gave a great deal of useful material for the ‘harvest document’, a summary of the harvest that the brainstorm produced. The drawings make communication much clearer, even for people who weren’t at the session. The concepts and ideas of the brainstorm can be communicated well in this way.Jurriaan van Rijswijk, Fouder GameSolutions

Visual noting for your meeting?

Can your training, meeting or brainstorming session use some extra life, interaction or clarity? Then stand-up cartooning is definitely for you! Get in touch!