A piece of joy in your inbox every Thursday. To brighten up your day. To show you that you’re not alone. To make you feel connected.

A piece of joy in your inbox every Thursday

To brighten up your day. To show you that you’re not alone. To make you feel connected.

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Babet Reinders

Managing Director

When I read this I smiled, obviously, who doesn’t when seeing this?!, but I also felt relieved: “oh boy, there’s someone in the world that has experienced the exact same things as I.

Evalotta Stierholm

Empathy Coach

Oh, this one is SO great! Wow. It’s both fun and filled with recognition and empathy. Comforting and cheering.

Marijke van Veldhoven

Cartoonist & business illustrator

Gloomy weather. Social distancing. Disturbing news feed 🙁

No wonder we feel down and disconnected from others more than ever.

But we are not alone. You are not alone. Let me show you.

Every week, I’ll send you a free comic about, well, life.

How we try to make our days perfect… but fail.

How we can’t take a compliment, ever.

How we miss being able to hug friends and go to concerts (damn you, COVID).

They will make you smile. They will make you nod along. And they will make you feel connected.

What do you say?

Jayashree Krishnan


Not only did you make me laugh, you were also echoing what is in my head!