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Illustrating is drawing with a purpose

Why? For what?

Need an illustration? Why? What for? My feelers are way up. Because the drawing should be a solution. An answer to a question. What is that question? What goal do you want to achieve with the drawing? I’ll dive right in there and pepper you with questions. Drawing to achieve a goal is like sailing. I provide the boat and raise the sail, but nothing happens without a good breeze. The more clear the purpose and the question, the more acceleration you gain. That way the drawing takes shape too.

Een briesje input Message in a Drawing

Shaping thinking with drawing

To be able to navigate I listen to your briefing with pointed ears. I analyse your question and the possible solutions while drawing. Is this what you mean – or did you mean something different? Illustrating is an exploration. Sometimes a search to the true meaning.

For me it’s exciting how someone responds to the first proposal. It could go every which way. From: “What does this has to do with it?” To: “Never thought of that, good idea!”

I keep drawing until we have the right solution (within reasonable limits).

Eventually there is a set of illustrations or an animation with which you will achieve your communication goal.

Enough is enough

I bring my A-game. Because that analysis can generate a lot. Like a saving on your communication budget. Often I get asked for a animation but  after an exploratory meeting we reach the conclusion that an infographic will get you to the right destination too. I will always go for the quality in the one picture. Nor for my pension pot.

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A piece of joy in your inbox every Thursday

To brighten up your day. To show you that you’re not alone. To make you feel connected.

My comics will make you smile. They will make you nod along. And they will make you feel connected.

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